Sunday, July 13, 2008

All ye chronic smokers! Better watch out for your backs and necks before obscuring the compulsive disorder in fumes of style! If studies are to be believed, binging on Nicotine could bring disaster on the spinal column by depriving it of vital supplies.

“Smoking is one among the various causes for the spinal disorders. It hampers blood supply to the spine, thereby weakening it,” warns G. P.V. Subbaiah, an orthopaedic surgeon.

Life allowing little movement from the desk too contributes to the spine’s woes. Sedentary existence with no exercise routine accelerates the weakening of the vertebrae. Idle limbs will mount up ‘apple’ fat in men, and ‘pear’ fat in women, both straining the back and resulting in chronic ache, prolapsed discs, and many other related disorders.

“Also noticed was a marked association between spine-related problems and food habits. Those gorging on junk food are shown to carry higher risk,” said Dr. Subbaiah.

He recommends walking for half-an-hour a day for at least five days a week as the best possible remedy. It aids better absorption of calcium from blood, thereby strengthening the bones. However, sauntering on hard surface will only increase the peril.

Repetitive Strain Injury, nowadays, is the buzz word among the IT community. It involves prolonged use of certain muscles, tendons and nerves of arms and upper back, resulting in poor posture for extended periods. The cure lies in correcting one’s posture. Leaning forward in the chair should be avoided, and back should be well supported by the chair. Knees should always be kept a tad lower than the hips, obviously meaning that crossed legs are forbidden. Mouse and keyboard should be handled while resting the hand at right angle from the elbow, rather than keeping them stretched for long. A minimum distance of 40 centimetres should be maintained from the computer screen.

Heavy objects should be lifted closer to the body with bent legs taking the impact of the weight. When it comes to school bag, heavy books should be closer to the back and weight should be distributed equally between both the shoulders

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